futurdo: ^^ Why the.5?
For no reason
So it'd be as if I install zigbee as a separate package, not the system-wide package?
I have some old account where I install the.1 for the software and the.5 for zigbee
futurdo: Does this not come in a current version from the software center? And I see "This package contains the ZigBee support software that is used in networked home appliances"..
zigbee, zigbee-software-support,
Bashing-om: No.
OerHeks: Installing now
futurdo: Sorry no support on this :(
Not a problem, thank you!
I have been trying to install zigbee for some time now...
I have seen a number of guides and everything, but I had issues with dependencies...
futurdo: Look'n 'bout it now..
futurdo: OerHeks ^^^ may have an answer on this.
Yeah, it seems a bit complicated...
i am not sure about the 2.7.7 part, and comercial drivers
OerHeks: As for the dependencies, I ended up with a requirement that I installed the zigbee-deb-tools, which is a dependency of zigbee-core-dev
With the.0 version this doesn't happen, since the dependency can be resolved without installing the full package, but still... I have a feeling this won't do
For instance, I get this:
With the.0 version
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